Who’s Home Is Company Ready 100% Of The Time???
Not even the organizing gurus are. Many times they are showing you the ‘Highlight Reel’ of how they would like you to do it. They do not take into consideration…
Life Happens When You Are Busy Making Other Plans
When I get out of sync (and I do) I simply do these 9 Habits in the following order along with the weekly habit specific day, zone work and monthly event maintenance and in a matter of a day, 3 at the most, I am back into my GROOVE AGAIN! Read the following and see how things ‘FLOW TOGETHER’.
The Secret To Your Success Is…
Doing the 9 habits and the Weekly Home Tidy in the SAME ORDER each time SHAVES OFF TIME! They are both set up using the ‘Associating Technique’ or ‘Linking Technique’. Making these habits become ‘automatic’ is what Marilyn’s Way is all about!
The numbers in the parentheses are the 9 Daily Habits To Keep You ‘On Task’
Let’s Get Started!
Get to bed at a decent hour and have a great sleep!
Wake up to a Shiny Sink!
Follow the above again!
Now there are 3 more modules to the system and are set up in order of importance. After you get comfortable with the 9 Daily Habits, the next module is the Weekly Habits. There is one for each day and includes the Weekly Home Tidy. If you are busy like me, you will spend the majority of your time in the first two modules. The third module is Zone Work. You can easily add your zone work in as you do the weekly home tidy. When working a zone always declutter first, tidy next. The final module is the Monthly Decluttering Events. There are 2 ways you can use them. If you are first starting out you will use them for your major decluttering. Clothes, Paper Clutter and Kitchen are held twice a year. If you have been with Marilyn’s Way for a long time, Monthly Decluttering Events are great for maintenance.
I hope this will help all of you no matter what stage you are in. Remember…
Home Keeping Never Ends. It’s A Daily Affair
Are You Wanting Ideas As What To Declutter?
I Have Written An E-Book Titled 100 Things To Get Rid Of In Your Home The Simple Way To Begin Your Decluttering Journey It Includes A FREE Download Sheet To Mark The Items Off As You Go!

I’m joining. I’m all in!
Great! Happy to have you!
What do you mean by “dress to shoes” like fully dress, including putting your shoes on?
Yes. It is important to create yourself a simple uniform so you don’t have to do so much thinking into getting dressed each day. That would be if you are at home. Shoes can be lace ups or slip ons. I started out with lace ups Dut have moved into slip ons because of my gardening.
When I am not working my part time job I wear a sports bra, tank top and shorts or pants depending on the season. I wear Clark mule shoes. Hope this helps! Thank you for commenting!
I’m confused. Isn’t this the Fly Lady System?
That is exactly what I am thinking as I read this.
Happy you brought this up! Yes, back in 2005 I started following FlyLady. I tried to do it in my pajamas and all I found myself doing was moving my clutter from one side of the house to the other while the dishes, laundry and paperwork piled up. Flylady suggested to get dressed to shoes. After not getting anywhere I decided to take a personal challenge in March of 2011 Get Dressed To Shoes. I posted a selfie daily on Flylady’s Facebook Page for 436 Consecutive days and have only missed 2 days when I had back surgery in October of 2019.
Because I live with Chronic Illnesses like Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, am ADD and a long list of more, I simply could not do all of what Flylady asked. What I did is went to work studying all home keeping systems that I had also tried, mixed it up with my bachelor degree in Home Economics and Marketing, work experience and training from Fortune 500 Corporations and lots of research.
My main focus is the 9 Daily Habits Home Keeping Made SIMPLE. There are some similarities to Flylady in which I went to her to ask for her blessing to use them and she said yes. Just the same way Flylady followed the Slob Sisters and used part of their system with their blessing.
My system is set up with the focus of 9 Daily Habits that keep your day running smoothly. There are weekly habits, zone work and then what is different is I hold Monthly Events for Decluttering with All Over Home held 3 times a year and Clothes, Paper and Kitchen held twice a year. Once a person gets their main decluttering done the monthly events serve as maintenance.
I hope this helps you better understand the difference. FlyLady has her system but has moved more into the business of selling cleaning products, written a couple of books. We talk about every 3 weeks. We are great friends and she traveled from North Carolina to South Dakota to visit me back in November of 2012. I have been on several of here talk radio of Flylady and Friends. She is a great mentor!
It’s a great system and works for me. Thanks!
Thanks! In this day of ‘Information Overload’ I know how important it is to have a system that is SIMPLE. We can become pulled in so many directions that having a SIMPLE home keeping system will keep you grounded.
Happy you are doing the system and making it your own!
I am sooooo happy I found you! I follow you on Facebook and thank you for all you do! I have also hired you for extra help with you as my coach! You and I are now tackling my home together to make it “company ready” at all times! Thank you so much Marilyn!
Yes for those who don’ know I have a Coaching Program for those who want personal help from me to get established.
It is great working with you and you are making wonderful strides! Looking forward to finding out what you are learning about yourself from this process.
Yes, I am happy you found me! What a lovely lady you are!
I love Marilyns system, Flylady just seemed too complicated
Thank you! I love Marla and FlyLady. We are great friends and she visited me in November of 2012. It was her that got me started on this journey. I found her in 2005 trying to do her system as a pajama junkie. I have lived with Fibromyalgia since 1989. It creates all kinds of havoc on one’s body and mind. It is all over body pain and brain fog.
In 2011 I took a personal challenge of ‘Getting Dressed To Shoes’ and posted a photo daily on her Facebook page for 436 consecutive days.
Happy I established the habit, I still couldn’t do everything that she asks. So I went to work studying all the home keeping systems, mixed it in with my Bachelor of Science degree in Home Economics with a minor in Marketing. I also worked as outside sales in communications for Fortune 500 corporations and I learned in 1996 I have Adult Attention Deficit Disorder. I gathered all the information I could learn on the subject to better myself. Much of how the system Marilyn’s Way Home Keeping Made SIMPLE is based on making it easier for ones who get easily distracted.
Becoming ‘Consistent’ in my daily activities is where I found my happy place. Therefore, establishing a set of habits that became 9 Daily Habits Home Keeping Made SIMPLE and breaking them up into 3 parts of the day is what I felt I could manage. I tried several different ones until I came with these 9 Daily Habits.
There are 3 more parts to the system and they are all derived on establishing habits. (Creating habits that become automatic take less energy) The 3 additional parts are weekly habits, zone work and monthly decluttering events.
It was important to set it up this way because you can do what you have time for each day. Some days you can do a little of each part, where there are days you are lucky to get all the 9 Daily Habits done. For it is in understanding that not all days are the same and having the flexibility allows you to ‘Never Feel Behind’. That is very important! There are enough stressors in our lives.
Thank you for being a member of Marilyn’s Way and practicing the system I created! I am so happy you took a chance on me and the system is working for you!
This system is the best. I followed a few years ago on FB and then decided I needed a digital detox other than work, but here I am again ready to get started and hopefully incorporate my teenager into the mix so she can start with the skills at a pace she can grasp and continue to follow throughout her life. I love that you have everything laid out here without having to be on FB to get the help I so desperately need to stay on task.
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