First, let me define the kinds of clutter we have.
Clothing Is A Big Deal!
Clothing can be in every kind of clutter! And here’s why!
The U.S. apparel industry today is a $12 billion business and the average American family spends $1,700 on clothes annually, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The dollar figures are of little significance since it accounts for just 3.5 percent of a family’s expenses, on average. Jan 15, 2015 – Forbes
Go through the list and it will all begin to make sense. It did for me when I went through it.
Set Up A ‘Cha Cha Cha’ Station
It is a simple and fun way to ‘Throw Away’, ‘Put Away’, ‘Give Away’. Any containers will work. Boxes are usually easily available. We must first clear the area of unwanted things that have been taking up residency. It is time to evict unwanted things.
Of course you could buy special containers for your Cha Cha Cha Station but then it could end up being more clutter.
Let us get back to a simple, basic way and get to work.
They say the First 2 Minutes are the hardest.