We all have habits. Some good. Some bad. The purpose of my website is to help you establish 9 Habits To Keep You From Getting Sidetracked In Home Keeping.

None of them are very hard. Many of them we don’t want to do, so what do we do instead? We wish!
I wish I had clothes I feel good in.
I wish I had a bigger bathroom.
I wish I had a nicer kitchen.
I wish I had a separate laundry room with a utility sink and new washer and dryer.
I wish I had a room just for storage.
I wish I had a dishwasher.
I wish my sink would shine.
I wish I had a bigger closet.
I wish I had a nice place to put the things I am going to take with me when I leave my home for work or errands.
I wish. I wish. I wish.
How many of your wishes have come true? Myself? Very few! There comes a time when you have to stop wishing and start doing.
I live with fibromyalgia, arthritis and a long list of ailments. Remember, I live in Constant Pain 24/7. I have tried the living in my pajamas for over 5 years. I was miserable. I spent my days wishing! At the end of the day, nothing was accomplished except keeping my head full of wishes to keep me from doing the things I could do.
There comes a time where you need to stop getting ideas of what to do, put down that book (or get off the internet), and start working towards what you want most. There is a time and a place for research and dreaming, but don’t let it get in the way of actually doing.
How am I able to get as much done as I do with my disabilities? I schedule time for 9 Life Changing Daily Habits and do before anything else. Today I do them in the very same order each day and because of this, I have shaved off time. How do I know? When I do them out of order, I find it takes me twice as long. So how can that be? You have to put more thought and energy into it. Simple as that.
What habit did I concentrate on first?
Habit 1 – Get Dressed To Shoes
Each month I added a new habit until I found the right 9 Habits that help you to…
1. Get your day started
2. Get things done
3. Finish up the day and get ready for tomorrow
There are 3 more levels to the system. How do you get them done? By adding a little at a time.