Wednesdays have been called ‘Hump Day’ for many years. At Marilyn’s Way we call it ‘Get It Done Day’! What does it mean? Do you have some things you planned to do on Monday but something else came up instead? Wednesday is the day to ‘Get It Done’!
Before you do Thursday Weekly Errand Day there are some things that can be done to make it easier on you. Cleaning out your refrigerator is one of them. Nothing is worse than getting groceries and you don’t have room in the fridge to put them. Another is mixing fresh foods with spoiled. Get into the habit of making Wednesday the day you clean out your refrigerator. I have learned to clean and wipe down one shelf at a time starting with the top shelf. Another tip that has helped me is to have specific homes in the fridge for your everyday foods and drinks. It makes it easier to take inventory for your grocery list.
Now that the refrigerator is clean, time to do some menu planning so you are sure to get the ingredients when you go grocery shopping tomorrow. Have a handful of meals you know your family likes and make sure you have a couple of easy simple meals to put on the table. Many use crockpots or instapots so there is only one dish that gets dirty and makes clean up easy.
Making sure you have enough in your checking account before you go on your weekly errand day is important. Having this desk time on Wednesdays keeps you from getting overwhelmed and by planning you become proactive.
If you can concentrate on getting the bulk of your highest priorities done on this day, I promise you crisis and chaos will fall by the wayside.
Have you ever heard of the phrase Eat That Frog! Yes, it is an actual best selling book by Brian Tracy. I first became aware of him when I was working in the corporate world of communications. For motivation Brian Tracy has been one of my ‘Go To’ guys since the 1980’s. If I am not feeling very motivated, all I have to do is search Brian Tracy Quotes and start reading. In no time at all my attitude becomes ‘Can Do’ again.
For More Motivation

Don’t Know Where To Start Decluttering? Buy My E-Book On Amazon For $2.99!
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Test comment from Marilyn K Foster
Hi Marilyn,
That’s a good idea.
Also, having just moved to Norwich, I have been introduced to “Bottom of the fridge” soup, which could be ideal for winter Wednesdays. The idea is that if your fridge clean out day unearths veg that haven’t been used yet so are still OK to eat, but just looking a little manky, you put them all in a pan with some stock and some herbs and cook for long enough to turn them into a lovely hot soup!
I was a little dubious, but having tried some that were brought to a “bring and share” lunch, they were delicious. So I did one myself (and I’m a rotten cook) but mine was good too 🙂
Joy Healey – Blogging After Dark
Hi Marilyn ,
I do agree this is a wonderful plan .
It’s amazing when things start coming together by just practicing one plan such as cleaning out the Refrigerator and getting ready for shopping.
You are amazing and I am so thankful for all your education , insight , and encouragement !
Thank you! You know, that is the secret. Committing to one system instead of doing several. I did that for years and got no where. Finally in 2011 I said, “Enough is Enough!” I took the time to evaluate what I was doing and why it wasn’t working.
I came to the conclusion I was focusing too much on decluttering and not enough on day to day activities like keeping up with laundry, dishes and paperwork. Please note, none of them I liked to do and can still struggle especially when I get involved in a new project. I have to discipline myself to do them. And how did I come up with a solution?
I found it to be ‘daily habits’. I created Explaining The 9 Daily Habits Home Keeping Made SIMPLE
I grouped the habits into sets of 3’s with a morning, afternoon and evening. AND I do them in the SAME ORDER each day. Now they have become automatic and have freed up so much time to do other things like coaching, writing, working out and gardening.
Home Keeping just like taking a Shower is a Daily Affair.
Thank you for commenting and so happy you are part of Marilyn’s Way!
Thanks for the great advice!!
Glad you like it! It is a process and it took me some time to get into the habit of getting things done on Wednesdays. With the refrigerator I learned to clean one shelf at a time from top to bottom instead of taking everything out. And what better day to do it is the day before you go grocery shopping.
Meal planning was difficult at first because I was making it difficult. I love looking at recipes dreaming of making them but then I had to come to terms that it wasn’t going to happen. Today I decide what meat I am eating, putting a vegetable with it and having a salad. Life got better.
I do have 3 go to casseroles I make if I am in the mood to make them and always have the ingredients on hand.
Spending a little time doing paperwork helps too on Wednesdays. You are already meal planning and making your grocery list for tomorrow. Why not check to see what bills need to be paid on Friday.
Of course the Foundation of my system is The 9 Daily Habits Home Keeping Made SIMPLE Many take just a few minutes and if you do them in the same order each day they become automatic and take less time. Face it. Much of the time wasted is the procrastination, perfectionism, and the I just don’t want to do it because I have let the laundry, dishes and paperwork pile up.
It doesn’t matter where you are. Just start. To be honest with you, this is a process and when you see Get Decluttered in 7 Days or Easy Cleaning Routine, they are just phrases because we are each individuals with our own challenges.
When I created How Marilyn’s Way Home Keeping Made SIMPLE Works I created it to be a ‘Doable and Realistic’ to take care of your home. I created all kinds of flexibility so you can tailor it to your situation. In fact I encourage it. Too many systems have repetitive tasks that overlap. The goal is to have a ‘Company Ready’ Home that you and your family and friends can enjoy.
Thank you for commenting!