Weekly Habits
Monday Planning Day
Weekly Habits are key to your success. Mondays are a great day for planning your week. Part of Marilyn’s Way System is ‘Weekly Habits’. Each weekly habit for a specific day should take you no more than 15 minutes with the exception of Thursday Errand Day and Friday Car, Purse and Paperwork Day. Practicing these weekly habits is what keeps you sane. The following is an example of my coming week. It took me less than 15 minutes to plan.
Here’s my week
Planning is key to your coming week. Take 15 minutes and schedule your days. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy.
Each day do 9 Daily Habits Home Keeping Made SIMPLE and 15 minutes decluttering for the monthly event . On Monday you do the Weekly Home Tidy spending 15 minutes on each step. I have written an Ebook on Amazon available in Kindle Unlimited or you can buy it for a small fee of $2.99 that lays it out and explains step by step including photos.
This took me LESS than 15 minutes to plan leaving me wiggle room for whatever crisis may arise. I am now able to deal with them proactively.
It Wasn’t Always This Way…
I was a 5+ years pajama junkie with pathways from room to room. I live with Fibromyalgia and all that goes with it. None of this happened overnight but my success did happen and it can happen with you too!
You Have The Advantage!
I came to the realization I could not do any of the home keeping systems that were available. I decided to get to work and create something I could do and be successful at. I was so tired of failing. During my research I came to realize the things that were scheduled in other systems were not realistic. I didn’t want to spend my every waking moment decluttering, cleaning and organizing. I knew there were others out there just like me. Check out my library of e books .
I also have a closed Facebook group you can join. The group is in its 11th year with over 7,000 members getting results like me and you can too!