Weekly Habits are what you schedule into your day after time is allotted for your 9 Daily Habits. Each day has a designated weekly habit. It is best to follow how they are set up because it will take you less time to take to do. A great time to do Weekly Habits is during the time Habit 4 – Load Of Laundry is going. That is when I found it to be the easiest. Some of the weekly habits take a few minutes where others there are multiple weekly habits on a specific day that will take more. But first…
Weekly Home Tidy Reset
Begin by doing the 9 Daily Habits and then add Weekly Home Tidy Reset once a week. In no time your home will become tidy. Remember at Marilyn’s Way this is the goal. Once you are comfortable with these, add the weekly habits. The rest will follow. If you are just beginning and know company is coming there is a crisis clean road map in 9 easy steps specific for this situation.
Once you get comfortable with the above, the real decluttering can begin. Remember, your clutter didn’t show up in a week and it won’t be gone in a day. More on this in an upcoming post. When I began to take this approach I became more content with myself.
Weekly Habits
What Are They?
The Weekly Habits are meant to allow your week to flow from one day to the next. They have been set up in this order building upon your week to come full circle. The following is the correct order to follow. You can chose what day to start the order.
Monday Planning Day
It is time to set up your week. What day will you be doing Errand Day? Bills to pay, calls to make, cards to send, projects to work on. The great thing is it can be as little as 5 minutes. Grab yourself a cuppa, set the timer for 5 minutes and plan out your week. You are so worth it! While you are at it, schedule some self care time too!
Turnaround Tuesday

Today is the day to finish up things that may not have got done yesterday. Maybe you want to do the Weekly Home Mambo all in one day. Today would be a day to do it. It is also a great day to have a lunch date with a friend. Marilyn’s Way believes there should be one day a week that is flexible for all the mini crisis that are part of your life. Having a day to Freestyle what you want for your day is critical in staying consistent with any system.
Wednesday Get It Done
Get It Done Day is about going over your plan from Monday’s Planning Day and make sure everything that has been scheduled to get done. It is the middle of the week and is a great time to take note what has been accomplished so far this week and what is left to do to finish the week off great.
What have you been putting off that needs to get done? Many of us including myself struggle with procrastination and is partly the reason homes fill with clutter creating a chaotic home. Having said that and knowing the result of not doing it is chaos, I have learned to do it anyway. I no longer want to live in chaos.
Procrastination is ‘real’ in home keeping. What have you been putting off that needs to get done?
Part of Get It Done day is tidying the Refrigerator by sorting and removing items no longer fresh ‘one shelf at a time’. This will make it easier with Menu Planning. Before Errand Day balancing the checkbook is a good idea to know what the food budget is for the week. Having a clean refrigerator will make it easier to put away on Errand Day.
Thursday Errand Day

Thursday is Errand Day. This is when you take time to get your weekly groceries, returns, doctor appointments, hair appointments. Scheduling a simple route from store to store will cut back the time you spend. Reserve some energy to be able to put the groceries away when you get home. It will be a breeze with a clean fridge and only buying what you need to plan your menus!
Friday is Car, Purse and Paperwork Day

Friday is simply the day you clean out your car, then purse, and get the receipts out to balance your checkbook. It is a way of rebooting and getting ready for the weekend!
Saturday Family Fun Day

Create some fun ways you can spend time with your family and friends. Go out and have some fun with them! Maybe just maybe they will be more inclined to help you with things around the house. You do need to tell and ask them. We all need FUN in our lives. Even YOU!
Sunday Rejuvenate Your Spirit Day

In order for your weeks to go smooth, you must have a day to rest, reflect, rejuvenate yourself for the coming week. Have you put this in your planner?
Maybe Your Week Doesn’t Begin On Monday, What Then?
Start week off by doing Planning Day first. Then follow each day in the order listed above. This order is done in this specific order for a reason. Each day flows into the next and completes a full circle, your week. Sure you can do them out of order and there will be days that you have to. The downside to this is that many of these weekly habits will take longer to do. Marilyn has put the hard thinking to make this system flow for you. What does this mean? Increased Free Time is just around the corner once these weekly habits become habits!
Don’t Know Where To Start? It Is Easy!