6 Reasons To Declutter Right Now

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In my closed Facebook group Marilyn’s Way we talk a lot about how to declutter. It is the number one reason many join. They are overwhelmed with all the things they own and don’t know where to start. Some pick up and work the system where others continue to struggle. This post is for both.

I got to thinking we are always talking about having to declutter but never really giving the reasons why. Is there really a point to all of this? Here are

6 Reasons To Declutter Right Now

1. Decluttering Will Give You More Space In Your Home

We all need space to think, to work or to dance around in our kitchen. Sometimes clutter can physically keep you from getting dinner on the table resulting in another pizza night. But other times it is mental. If you work from home or homeschool your children for example you have to stay disciplined and not become distracted. This is hard enough but it would be ten times harder if you were looking at a big pile of stuff all day. You would be worried when you are going to find the time to clean it up or feeling bad that you hadn’t. In any case, it is taking away time from the work you should be doing.

2. Decluttering Forces You To Make Choices

This is where most will get stuck. Why? Because instead of focusing on the day to day decluttering, many go to the sentimental items. When you are first starting out I want these items to be your last. We have to learn how to warm up our decluttering muscle. Start with things that have the least meaning. It will give you more space to make the harder decisions. In my e book 100 Things To Get Rid Of In Your Home The Easy Way To Begin Your Decluttering Journey I go through each zone or room listing items you can declutter today. This gives you a chance to get comfortable with the ‘feeling’ of decluttering. I call it waking up your decluttering muscle. This will prepare you for the harder decisions you will be making. When you have to be more selective about what you keep around you, you will have to choose them more carefully. Beginning with the obvious clutter will assist you to make better decisions when you get to this point. As you learn to do this it will become apparent in other areas of your life. Why waste time listening to music you don’t like, a movie you don’t want to see, reading a book you aren’t interested in, or talking for hours with someone that you don’t have anything in common with?

3. Decluttering Helps You Find Your Tastes

I used to be proud of holding on to every material thing I have ever owned. I felt like it was a road map for my life. Instead it made me confused making it difficult to find the person I am today. In reality, when you begin to declutter it helps you see what you actually prefer in your clothing, decor, hobbies and even food. Give this some thought: a cluttered closet or kitchen can hold a bit of everything, leaving you with an undefined bunch of things you were drawn to at one time or another. But if you pare down and consider carefully your wardrobe or kitchen makes you choose the items you love the most. It’s how you learn that you like specific colors or patterns. Once you understand these things about yourself, you can be more decisive in keeping the things you love and building upon it whenever you select something in the future.

4. Decluttering Saves You Money

Most know the less you buy, the less you spend. Accumulating stuff from garage sales or something you see on FreeCycle can cost you when you want to get rid of it. The cost of something is not just the sticker price, but the price of being stuck with it. (Will you have to hire someone to transport to your home? Will there be upkeep that will cost you money?)

5. Decluttering Makes Cleaning Easier

Having a clean home is the main reason members search out groups like mine. When becoming a member I suggest getting comfortable with the foundation of Marilyn’s Way Home Keeping Made SIMPLE. It is 9 habits as the foundation. The system is set up in 4 levels or quadrants for you to do as you have time. I believes it is just as important to have a life and to enjoy the difference. Most clutter didn’t happen in a week and won’t get rid of it overnight. Bad habits and choices got you there. It is important to learn about yourself in order to lead toward less clutter making it easier to clean. The less clutter you have around you, the less time you have to spend cleaning! Most clutter is of the $5, $10, $15 variety and it takes up space. Think about dusting it, versus spending time doing anything else. Since my decluttering journey began I have opened my world up to many things. How do I do it? I have decluttered my home making it easier to clean and then be on my way to workout, garden, and write.

6. Decluttering Gives You Freedom

If you want to move to another apartment, home, city or state clutter can really hold you back.  The more stuff you own whether it is the financial or the sentimental value you are tied to, the harder it is logically and the expense will be greater when you relocate. I remember how exciting it was to move from South Dakota with only the stuff I had in my car. Looking back, it was rather freeing. I was off to begin my career. There is some romance we associate with during the Depression-era hobos. We don’t have to associate the food shortage or dangers of hopping into a moving train car or catching a ride with someone we don’t know. The romance we see is all about their ability to quickly pack up and go somewhere else–hoping for somewhere better.



Even if you are never going to move from one house to another again, owning less stuff makes it so much easier to redecorate or have options to rearrange the rooms you have settled in. Want to move a piece of furniture on the other side of the room? Easy…unless the other side of the room is covered with your latest collection or there is an armchair full of clothes that don’t fit in your closet. What are you waiting for? Want extra help? Join the closed Facebook group Marilyn’s Way




  1. Chrystal Dodson says:

    These are so helpful Marilyn! Thank you for all you do.

  2. You are very welcomed! Thank you so much for commenting! I think if one has solid reasons, it does make it easier to start.

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