9 Life Changing Daily Habits

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What Is A Habit?

an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary.

How Long Does It Take To Form A Habit
How Long Does It Take To Form A Habit?

New research is saying it takes longer than 21 days. When this fact was published years ago, the correct sentence was a ‘Minimum Of 21 Days’. As time went on and others shared the information, it got  shortened to ‘Just 21 Days’.

The Answer?

On average, it takes more than two months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact

How Long It Takes A New Habit To Form Is Based On The Following Three Things:

The Behavior

The Person

The Circumstances

I Was A 5+ Year Pajama Junkie 

How did I go from a college educated woman in a career with Fortune 500 Corporations to a 5+ Year Pajama Junkie? As I develop this website, I am hoping to tell the story behind why I had become this way. Being a 5+ Year Pajama Junkie was the habit I really needed to break. After many trials, instead of focusing on breaking the PJ Habit, I made the decision to focus on:

Getting Dressed To Shoes

Had I not continued to ‘Get Dressed To Shoes’ and publicly post a selfie and mini blog beyond 31 Days, I can’t say for sure this website would have came to be.

Many were cheering me on during the challenge. The majority didn’t want me to stop. I had become their daily habit of looking for my posts on Facebook.

My Biggest Supporter?

Lily My Dog
‘Lily’ White Paw 2001-2015

If you watched the video above, you will see her in many of them. Every day when I got ready to take my ‘Selfie’ she knew. She would begin to run around the kitchen island and bark as if she was cheering me on. The only way I could get her to stop was pick her up and hold her for the photo.

Last But Not Least…

Marla and Marilyn flying together
Marla Cilley aka ‘The FlyLady’ and myself in November of 2012.

The FlyLady was and is the ‘SPARK’ that set me free from the binds of a 5+ Pajama Junkie. It wasn’t that I didn’t try first in my PJ’s. Things just were not coming together. I listened to many episodes and have been a guest on Flylady and Friends Talk Radio.

She said, “You have to get out of your pajamas and get dressed to shoes. I challenge you to try this!” 

Finally, I Agreed!

It Inspired Me To Create 9 Daily Habits as the foundation of Home Keeping Made SIMPLE. I Will Be Writing More In Detail Each Of The 9 Habits. Maybe One Of Them Will Inspire You!

9 Daily Habits Made Simple 9 Daily Habits Made Simple is the Foundation of the System[/caption]

Don’t want to do this alone? You don’t have to! I invite you to my Facebook Closed Group in its ‘8th Year’.

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  1. I saw a couple of your selfies. I thought you were amazing and I still do. Thank you Marilyn for all you do. I too have spent too many months/years in PJs. As I’m writing this, I dressed to shoes for church this morning. When I came home I changed but went back to my usual state of bare feet. But I am now wearing socks ly because my feet got cold.

    • Thank you for commenting! Taking that challenge was one of the hardest things and most rewarding I have done for myself. I learned what it really means to Get Dressed To Shoes. The entire month of February my choice of getting dressed to shoes was my ‘painting clothes’ I have 3 sets that double as my gardening clothes during the muddy season. When I decided on my ‘uniform’ for taking care of my home and being out in the garden, everything fell into place. Elastic waist pants and shorts is what set me free. Having Fibromyalgia I need an expanding waist because my weight can fluctuate every 3 days. Getting out of the clothes we sleep in is KEY. I learned to respect myself more simply by putting on clothes that tell me time to get to work.

    • Thank you for commenting! Taking that challenge was one of the hardest things and most rewarding I have done for myself. I learned what it really means to Get Dressed To Shoes. The entire month of February my choice of getting dressed to shoes was my ‘painting clothes’ I have 3 sets that double as my gardening clothes during the muddy season. When I decided on my ‘uniform’ for taking care of my home and being out in the garden, everything fell into place. Elastic waist pants and shorts is what set me free. Having Fibromyalgia I need an expanding waist because my weight can fluctuate every 3 days. Getting out of the clothes we sleep in is KEY. I learned to respect myself more simply by putting on clothes that tell me time to get to work.

  2. Julia Johnson-McGee says:

    Love to learn new things! I had heard 14 days to make a habit, and I was pretty sure they were wrong…thanks for finding better information and sharing it! I loved watching you and Lily that first year together, then getting to meet you! I love hearing how you have made things work so well for you, such as the “uniform” you use. You have a great system here, my Friend!

    • Thank you for commenting! Chances are if they were quoting 14 days to make a habit, they were also promoting a book to buy. I know I didn’t get comfortable about feeling confident that I would always get dressed to shoes after 31 days. When many wanted me to continue posting the selfies and mini blog, I didn’t have a problem with it. I STILL needed everyone’s support as well.

      It was lots of work but the rewards have been endless. And meeting you has been one of my highlights!

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