Quick Tips For 3 Methods Of Decluttering Your Home

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Are you looking for quick tips and methods of decluttering your home? Most experts will agree in order to establish a clutter free home, daily decluttering needs to be established. I give you quick tips and 3 methods of decluttering your home that you can use for whatever fits your personality.

Decluttering 15 Minutes A Day

If you want to become successful at decluttering, it is important to build up your decluttering muscles and the only way to do this is daily. It is the very reason I made one of the 9 Life Changing Daily Habits For Home Keeping ‘declutter 15 minutes a day’.

If Decluttering 15 Minutes A Day Is Hard

You may want to try The 25 Scoop And Cha Cha Cha Your Clutter Away! When I started out I had the hardest time trying to stay focused for 15 minutes. Instead, I would look for 25 things I could either ‘throw away, give away or put away’. Interestingly enough, it usually lasted for 15 minutes.

If The Above Methods Don’t Work For You There Is This Option

What I have learned from running my Closed Facebook Group Marilyn’s Way is it is important to give the members a few options for such a hard habit to stay consistent at. I know my early days I would tell myself it is time to declutter for 15 minutes and then I would go into complete panic mode ending with a panic attack. This exhausted me for the rest of the day. I needed another way.

I Published My First E Book On Decluttering

I knew there was plenty of things in my home that wouldn’t put me into panic/anxiety mode. Maybe this is where I need to focus on first instead of that bridesmaid dress that I think I can shorten it to wear again… And I was absolutely right! I wrote the e-book 100 Things To Get Rid Of In Your Home The Simple Way To Begin Your Decluttering Journey

100 Things To Get Rid Of In Your Home
The Simple Way To Begin Your Decluttering Journey

When you purchase my e-book for $2.99 I give you a FREE DOWNLOADABLE LIST where you can check the things off as you go through my list of 100 things you can get rid of by taking you through each room. You will be surprised at the amount of clutter that has found its way into your closets and drawers. Yup! That is why you have all of your counters and furniture covered with things. There is no room to put these things away because you guessed it, the useless, non emotional clutter took over the space!

Best Example My Experience

The best example I can give you from my own experience is I have a shed outside. It was filled to the brim. When it came time to put the lawnmower away for the season, there was no room. It sat outside all winter long getting snowed on.

Come spring when I tried to start it, I couldn’t. My brother would have to come and mow my yard until I could find someone who could look at it in town and that was a challenge. Finally when I did find someone who worked on lawnmowers the wait to get it fixed was long. You can see I created more stress than I had to if I would have just cleaned out my shed and made sure the important things like the lawnmower were in there first.

An Important Thing To Remember

Last, your clutter did not show up overnight. How do you expect to get rid of it as quick? Decluttering is a way of life. You must always be on the look out for things that no longer suit you. How do you do it? Try one or all of the methods I have given you today and watch the joy flow into your home!

Don’t live in a storage unit. Make your house a


What Decluttering Projects Do You Have Scheduled This Month?

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  1. Definitely a good idea to keep on top of the things you collect in daily life without noticing.

    I’m working on not letting new things into the house. It was easy during lockdown! But I do need to work on the stuff I have in storage in various places. Alas, it must be postponed until Covid declines to a level which make it safer to travel.

  2. Hi Marilyn,
    So true that clutter doesn’t happen overnight. Your 15 minutes a day really works. I’m a neat freak and even if there is an empty glass on the kitchen counter, I freak out and wash it. Clutter clutters my mind. I can’t even work if I have a few tabs opened on my computer.

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