
Blog, Declutter, Uncategorized

Best Manual Vegetable Choppers

Best Manual Vegetable Choppers

These are the best vegetable choppers in everyone’s price range. Why am I talking about vegetable choppers today?Nearly every recipe, from soups to entrees, starts out the same – chopping and dicing vegetables. Since it is necessary no one can deny that chopping vegetables is time consuming. In fact today […]

by × May 13, 2018 × 8 comments

Blog, Declutter, How To, The Habits

9 Questions To Ask Yourself While Decluttering Your Clothes

9 Questions To Ask Yourself While Decluttering Your Clothes

March and August The Event Takes Place Declutter Your Clothes The Cha Cha Cha Way! I was working on a handout. Well it looks like it is shaping up into an ebook.  I would love to have it ready for this month but I have to be realistic. As someone […]

by × March 14, 2018 × 21 comments

Blog, Declutter, How To, The Habits

100 Things To Get Rid Of In Your Home The Simple Way To Begin Your Decluttering Journey

100 Things To Get Rid Of In Your Home The Simple Way To Begin Your Decluttering Journey

My First E Book Is Published! 100 Things To Get Rid Of In Your Home The Simple Way To Begin Your Decluttering Journey is an  e book about beginning at the entry of your home and working your way through ending with your garage. There is a list you can follow […]

by × February 1, 2018 × 4 comments

Self Care, Blog, Declutter, The Habits

3 Ways To Reboot Your Day!

3 Ways To Reboot Your Day!

When things go wrong as they sometimes do, we can give ourselves permission to begin again. It isn’t necessary for the entire day to be lost. 3 Ways To Reboot Yourself 1. Eat a healthy Snack Healthy snacks can curb your appetite. 2. Wear Lipstick! 3. Get Outdoors Many benefits […]

by × September 13, 2017 × 8 comments

Gardening, Blog

Painted Daisies Loved By Many Including Rabbits!

Painted Daisies Loved By Many Including Rabbits!

Every season I look forward to my Painted Daisies blooming. I have two colors. Light pink and fuchsia. I have photos of seasons passed that made a bouquet. And then I have some where I had none. It isn’t the plants fault. They were doing their thing at growing and on […]

by × June 5, 2017 × 0 comments

Blog, Declutter, The Habits

Persistently Attacking Clutter Ending

Persistently Attacking Clutter Ending

P.A.C.E Yourself! If you have been removing clutter in your home, you have learned in order to remove it once and for all, you must continue to remove clutter on a daily basis. You are starting the month of June. It is the sixth month into the year. Usually January […]

by × June 1, 2017 × 5 comments