
Blog, Declutter, How To, The Habits

Weekly Home Keeping Habits

Weekly Home Keeping Habits

Weekly Home Keeping Habits Made SIMPLE Weekly Home Keeping Habits Made SIMPLE are what you schedule into your day after time is allotted for your 9 Daily Habits. Each day has a designated weekly habit. It is best to follow how they are set up as there is a flow to […]

by × August 17, 2018 × 2 comments

Blog, Declutter, How To

6 Reasons To Declutter Right Now

6 Reasons To Declutter Right Now

In my closed Facebook group Marilyn’s Way we talk a lot about how to declutter. It is the number one reason many join. They are overwhelmed with all the things they own and don’t know where to start. Some pick up and work the system where others continue to struggle. This post […]

by × August 13, 2018 × 4 comments

Blog, Declutter, How To, The Habits

You Can Get Started: The First 2 Minutes Of Cleaning Is The Hardest

You Can Get Started: The First 2 Minutes Of Cleaning Is The Hardest

You know you need to get started. The hardest part is starting. You need to start the family evening meal and yet you have trouble getting started. Maybe you forgot to take out the meat from the freezer. Maybe you can’t decide what to make. Maybe your sink is full […]

by × August 4, 2018 × 1 comment

Blog, Living

Uneventful Days Have Their Perks Too!

Uneventful Days Have Their Perks Too!

Yesterday’s Emergency Hoping for an uneventful day. Yesterday was filled with twists and turns as I got a call from my mom. The electricity was out in Watertown. She is on oxygen and has an electric lift chair. She couldn’t get out of the chair to get her portable oxygen […]

by × May 22, 2018 × 4 comments

How To, Blog, Declutter, The Habits

Struggling With Paper Clutter? I Know Why!

Struggling With Paper Clutter? I Know Why!

Everyone at some time in their life have struggled with paper clutter. Sign up to get a free catalog and mysteriously your mail is flooded with them. The reason is your name and address get sold to a company. Next come all the flyers and they are set up for […]

by × May 17, 2018 × 2 comments

Blog, Declutter, Uncategorized

Best Manual Vegetable Choppers

Best Manual Vegetable Choppers

These are the best vegetable choppers in everyone’s price range. Why am I talking about vegetable choppers today?Nearly every recipe, from soups to entrees, starts out the same – chopping and dicing vegetables. Since it is necessary no one can deny that chopping vegetables is time consuming. In fact today […]

by × May 13, 2018 × 8 comments